35. The absurd world where Incredible and Improbable meet
Reading the first volume of the series : The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. To follow : The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish and Mostly Harmless.
I took some time to think a bit about what I read in the first volume of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The context I was reading it in, it’s also important, it adds to the craziness!
The presidential and parliamentary elections were in full swing in Romania, soon after the elections in Moldova, where I could participate. This time, like no other, the elections became an unprecedented shitshow. In both countries.
Also, the war in Ukraine turned 1000 days old. In terms of the damage produced, it’s going to take 1000 years to heal. In Seoul, the politicians were going crazy because the president started going wild and so on...
But going back to the events closer to me, the Russian influence in the democratic process of election was so well-prepared and executed by such characters that, even the absurdest story I was reading in the book started to make sense.
I realized that Absurdistan might be more real than we think. I also realized that the way people struggle to squeeze some meaning out of the proverbial daily lemons is very comical. Living and being alive is quite humorous. I mean, what are we even doing here? Who created the rules? Why some of us are striving so much to follow while others are taking the highway?
I guess this existential inquiry is the expected effect of the book. It is supposed to turn the world and the Universe upside down, empty our pockets of all the things we managed to scramble and stash away for dark days, and laughs in our faces.
I keep reading, the second volume (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe) is continuing in the same manner, and even it I have a kind of distaste for things that are messed up, unordered, I keep reading.
The absurd is more familiar than that which might be a life among sane people who agree and work together. Let’s see how I come out of the second volume! In order to balance the craziness bit, I am reading at the same time 2 other books, so it might take a while before I come here to tell you about it. Talk to you then!
Stay curious and learn something new every day,