5. The Fire was a Portal

Alexandra Furnea talks about unimaginable Pain in her first (hopefully not the last book, "Jurnalul lui 66. Noaptea in care am ars"). Today I will refer to Pain like it's a pronoun. In this book Pain is a character, if not the main character. I believe that Pain, at some mystical level, is a Portal to something else, never seen, never lived before. If accepted and understood, Pain becomes a well of Knowledge. Pain makes us wiser, more patient with the others, more accepting of all that is, it makes our minds be sharp as steel knives and our hearts warm like fresh bread. Pain makes us fierce, like animals. Few of those alive today will ever experience the type of Pain described by Alexandra in this book, and it is good so. But some others( should we call them Angels or Martyrs ?) will fall in it's arms. They will experience a mortal embrace with the Pain that only Angels or Martyrs can sustain and make their own without loosing their minds and their souls. It seems to be that Alexandra Furnea is one of them. She wrote this book to tell the truth. The truth about the events following the fire, when those who were burning alive could not be treated properly in the Romanian hospitals but those hospitals were making it seem that everything was under control. She wanted to give a meaning to what happened to them. By telling us about her experience she is probably hoping to make justice in some way. The world will know the truth. Knowing the truth does something to us. It changes us. The day when the fire opened the Portal for the Pain to come in, 30 October 2015 , those people who walked through it saw the truth. When all the social pretense is stripped away by something real, something holding such intense power as a live human being in flames, something happens in the world. Something supernatural is unleashed. Things are never the same. The political and social circumstances in Romania of 2015 did not allow for good care but their attitude toward didn't allow for someone else to step in either. Asking for help from more experienced people would have been seen as a failure of the political class of the time. And so the burning people kept burning in Pain for long after the Fire. I read and I cringed away for whole chapters, from the blow of knowing the Truth. I felt like embracing all those in pain, I wanted to find a way to help, to sooth them. But what good would this bring now? Angels don't need to be soothed or pitied. That's something humans do and need. Read this book to know the truth and learn from Angels.