15. Undefined revelations
When I started reading "Der Passagier" by Cormac McCarthy I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Now I know several things :
❌ Cormac McCarthy, for those who know his work, his universe in general, is a kind of God, a mystic, a master of the worlds unseen.
❌ Except for not knowing anything about this God, I was for some reason attracted to this work of his. I learn that this is one of the last ones, and the world was waiting for him to finish it for a very long time. If the voices on the Internet can be trusted, he started in his youth to work on it. I might have grasped the meanings of this book better if I had been acquainted with his work.
❌ The fact that the book made almost no sense was normal, it appears to be the expected effect. The same voices on the Internets are saying that this book is some type of code. When decoded, one gets to see the light, to understand something. Well, this something turns out to be different every time, depending on who you're listening to. So my confusion while reading was a healthy response when entering a mystical and still so mundane world. At first, I was confused, then I doubted myself and my capacity to comprehend, then I just let myself be confused and kept reading.
❌ Keep reading turns out to be the only thing I could have done. The voices on the internet I listened to, they all said that they will be rereading, so that they could discover the truth and the true meaning of what God McCarthy had created. I enjoyed the long dialogs. The speakers are talking in a very natural way, as if not characters in a book. Oh well, they were not aware that their life was a fictional book! I found quite annoying the parts when one of the characters was having visions, as in was being delirious. Absurdity in most of its forms has an itchy effect on me, if not a comical effect. But what was happening in this book was not fun. It was deep sadness, so deep that it becomes absurd.
❌ As soon as I get the courage and the curiosity back, I might be rereading this too.